Dear AIAP Members,
This message is intended to clear up any questions you may have regarding how AIAP members are listed on directory pages:
1. Members are listed on their home region page in order of membership date. For instance, if your home state is New York, you will be listed below those who have joined before you and whose home state is also New York.
2. Members are listed on additional directory pages (other than their home region) below those for whom the page is their home region. For instance, if your home state is New York and you want to also be listed in Pennsylvania, your listing will appear below those members whose home region is Pennsylvania.
3. Members are listed on additional directory pages in order of membership date.
4. If your AIAP membership expires your directory listings are deleted and as well as your membership in the AIAP Forum.
5. If you choose to re-join the AIAP after your membership has expired and your listings have been deleted you cannot re-claim your previous page rankings.
6. When an AIAP member chooses to let their listing expire, their listings are deleted and all existing listings move up accordingly.
Best regards,
Alan Blakely, Director
The Association of Independent Architectural Photographers