Thank you to those who have already responded by posting images for consideration in the AIAP Homepage Showcase gallery. You must be a member of the AIAP Forum on Yahoo to post images in the Showcase folder. If you wish to join the Forum (and I recommend that you do anyway) here's the link:
Any submissions from this date forward must conform the the specifications contained in the AIAP Gallery Template found in the "Files" section of the AIAP Forum. You must follow this template in order to have your images considered.
The gallery showcase on the AIAP homepage will undergo a facelift as well. The current simple slideshow will be replaced by a much more sophisticated presentation that better reflects the caliber of photography available from AIAP members.
I'll be stepping away from image selection and turn that responsibility over to a colleague with considerable experience and an excellent eye. Please don't be offended if your images aren't immediately chosen for inclusion. Images will be rotated on a regular basis.
Best regards,
Alan Blakely, Director
The Association of Independent Architectural Photographers