Dear AIAP Member,
Well, the majority has spoken: A resounding NO vote for the "Ask the Members" forum. However, we've implemented another option which which we feel will adequately serve the needs of those with questions while eliminating email intrusion.
We've launched a new Yahoo! group called the AIAP Member Forum. Yahoo! groups are "opt-in" groups, with many great options for dialogue and interaction among members. You'll need to "join" this new forum by clicking the "Join This Group" button on the opening page. Membership in this group is limited to existing AIAP members.
As a member of this forum you can post questions and answers, submit web links, create polls, post photographs and participate in online chat. You can also determine whether or not you want to receive email from this group. If you choose to receive email, you can opt for individual messages or a daily digest of messages. You can access the AIAP Forum now at the following link:
You can also contact individual members of this group directly via email, or via Yahoo! Instant Messenger. If you haven't registered previously with Yahoo!, you'll be asked to create an online profile and verify an email address.
We hope that you'll take advantage of this new avenue for discussion and networking among fellow AIAP members. Of course, spamming of the member list will result in immediate expulsion from the group.
A direct link to the AIAP Forum has replaced the "Bulletin Board" link in the AIAP Member's area of the AIAP website.
Best regards,
Alan Blakely, Director
The Association of Independent Architectural Photographers