Thursday, May 7, 2009

AIAP Newsletter 05/27/04

Please allow us to pass along two very useful resources for building your own database of architects and architectural firms:

These websites have email and website links to the firms listed.

We would also like to offer a link to PhotoByte software.  This is a comprehensive business management software tailored specifically to commercial photographers.  The software is offered on a shareware basis with a suggested contribution, however the fee is not mandatory.  PhotoByte features include accounting, client database, forms, contracts, stock database and many other useful tools.  PhotoByte is available in both PC and Mac versions:

With the economy heating up we're seeing a positive upswing in the number of visitors to the AIAP Directory.  Many AIAP members are reporting a significant increase in business over previous years.  We hope that these links will help you take advantage of these positive trends.

Best regards,
The Association of Independent Architectural Photographers