Friday, February 1, 2013

AIAP Newsletter December 2012

We've almost reached the end of a year that has been interesting to say the least.  For many 2012 provided reason for optimism for the future of our industry, and for some this was the best year in over a decade.  

Many things have changed in this business over the past few years, but one thing remains constant:  the need for a deliberate marketing plan.  Many photographers failed to survive the past few years simply because they didn't have the tools to compete in this new market.

Sadly, some of the most talented photographers in our business aren't necessarily the best at marketing their craft.  While on the other hand, many marginally talented photographers with great marketing skills have gotten more than their fair share of the pie.

I hope that we'll all take advantage of the extra time we have on our hands at this time of year to create a plan for marketing our services in 2013.  I have five simple suggestions:

1. Join a professional organization related to our industry as an affiliate member.  My top picks are AIA, SMPS and ASID.
2. Find at least one reason every month to send a press release relating to your business.
3. Carefully evaluate your current marketing efforts and discard the things that don't bring results.  Add new things to your plan that have worked for others.
4. Make at least one phone call per day to a client or potential client.
5. Find a new way to keep in touch with your existing clients that showcases your work and services on a regular basis (i.e., direct email, blog, direct mail, etc.).

I'd also like to share a great marketing checklist from Sheila at The Marketing Bit: